Come One, Come All, To the Great Kenny Carnival!

What is the Kenny Carnival?

The carnival is one of the most anticipated events of the school year for our kids. Think games, activity stations, inflatables, concessions, and FUN!

When is the carnival?

Join us! Thursday, May 30th at Kenny playground from 5pm-7pm. Most games and activity stations will close down at 6:30pm to give ample time to turn in tickets for prizes.

How much will this cost me?

All games and activities are FREE, no tickets or wristbands to buy! This is a community building event, and KPF wants all that would like to attend to be able to do so. Food and concessions will be available for purchase. 

Will there be food?

There sure will be!

New for 2024: Free popcorn!

Also, per Kenny tradition, teachers will be grillin’ up and serving hot dog meals to carnival goers. Meals will be $5 and include a hot dog or meatless hot dog, chips, drink, and small treat. Meal tickets are available to preorder, CLICK HERE to do so. We strongly suggest preordering, pre orders due by Friday, May 24th. Limited amounts of meals will also be available to purchase at the carnival, cash or electronic payment accepted.

For those that opt to order in advance (recommended), there will be a will call table set up to pick up your pre ordered meal tickets. Look for signage and balloons to direct you to the right table. 

In addition to the hot dog or pizza meals, there will also be Kona Ice available for purchase at the carnival. 

How can I help?

Thanks for asking! The Kenny Carnival relies heavily on volunteers. Please use this SignUpGenius Link to sign up for a volunteer shift. This year, each class is responsible for a station. We welcome all volunteers: grandparents, older siblings, friends, Kenny neighbors, etc.!

**We are also calling on the Kenny Community to help us out with a couple of donation needs. We are in need of 2 liters of pop for the “pop toss” (a Kenny favorite!) and unopened boxes of cereal for the “Cereal Stroll.” All donations can be dropped off to Linda in the front office. Please have donations in by Tuesday, May 28th. 

The carnival won’t be possible without help from Kenny families, thank you in advance for volunteering!

Additional questions?

Feel free to reach out to if you have any other questions!